This was a super fun project.  Someone very close to me is having her first child in a few short weeks.  She was looking for a very classy and traditional design for her baby shower invitations.  She found some inspiration online and sent it over to me with all of the wording that she wanted and it was my job to make this "her."

When I tell you that I don't know anyone who loves the color pink more than this girl, I mean it!  She wanted pink to be involved in more ways than one.  The envelopes she purchased for these invitations were the background color of this post.  The rest of the colors seen here were used on the invitations themselves.

Florals were so important in this instance, but we knew we wanted to keep that somewhat minimalistic look.  This is where the soft floral background came from. 

I cannot even explain how well this shower came together.  When the invitations were complete, they were sent off to the cookie decorator for inspiration.  The cookies paired with the venue and everything in between, were all pulled together by this one little invitation design.  It was truly a magical day for a soon to be niece.


Holiday 2023